Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hatchet and Axe Outline

Amazing Outline I wrote for a friend taking English Comp 1

English Comp 1

Hatchet and Axe Outline

My essay will center around the art of throwing both hatches AND axes.  Many mistake the two for the same thing, however there are many differences.
In the following essay I will focus on what differentiates the two.  

1.  The first portion of my essay will focus on what it feels like to throw different types of objects.  I will include several different types of balls (baseballs, footballs, etc) and also random items.  is itmore difficult to throw glassware as opposed to hammers or even old compact discs?  It is important to discover how each of the objects will react after being thrown.

2.  after that I will move on to hatchets and axes.   both the weight and the girth will be explored.  Let’s say an axe is hurled at an innocent bystander.  How will the axe and hatchet affect the target?  It is probably very scary and I don’t blame someone for ducking out of the way.  

3.  finally I will discuss the psychological impacts of having both hatchets AND axes being thrown at them.  It can be a very traumatizing experience.  What type of person would cry?  Is it even possible that someone would laugh at being threatened by death?  This paragraph will also encompass the euphoric feeling one feels when throwing both hatchets AND axes at innocent bystanders.  The feeling is something that cannot be matched.


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