Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chapter 4: Never Stop Moving

Chapter 4: Never Stop Moving

At this point you should be well on your way to making a billion dollars.  You may even be feeling a little fatigued.  This is a normal feeling and shouldn’t be dismissed.  In business, you don’t want to be satisfied with what you have.  You always want to be a forward thinker, constantly making moves.  Don’t ever stop. After all, what kind of people stop moving? Dead people, that’s what kind.  Do you want to turn out like one of those dead people? No? I didn’t think so.  
Close your eyes and imagine this if you will: (Note: Make sure you don’t close your eyes for too long.  It may lead to falling asleep, and many people lie completely still why they’re sleeping)  You are standing in a room with a billion ants.  You have one of two choices:

1) STOP MOVING - Making this choice will cause your body to be completely still.  At this point the billions of ants will begin to crawl all over your body.  Because there is nothing else to eat the ants will eat your flesh.  First your skin and then your muscles and then whatever is beneath your muscles.  Please consult my book Ouch! I’ve Stubbed My Toe: Your Body and YOU for a more detailed description of the human body.  After about three days you will finally be totally consumed.  Your family will open the door to this room only to find a trillion ants because after all that feeding the ants have obviously multiplied.  They will not mourn your loss.  Instead they will think of you as an illiterate because obviously you couldn’t read the fourth chapter in this book.
2) NEVER STOP MOVING - Making this choice will cause the ants to never become attached to your body.  In this scenario you do somersaults around the room, squashing the tiny insects.  Not only does this kill every single bug and save your life, but you also gain an amazing amount of strength thanks to the hundreds of somersaults you just did.  Your body morphs from a fat, ugly, flabby thing into a toned, sexy, athletic type of build.  After you leave the room hundreds of attractive men or women surround you.  I don’t want to get too explicit in case there are any underage entrepreneurs reading this book. But you get the idea.

I know what you’re asking yourself. “But Jonathan, this really doesn’t seem to make any sense.  At first I thought you were using moving as a metaphor to explain the intricacies of business.  But now it seems that you have taken it a step further and are actually telling me never stop moving my body. I’ll probably drop dead from exhaustion after a very short time.”  
Well that’s exactly what i’m telling you.  But remember, if you never stop moving, then you will never die.  If you’ve purchased the Deluxe version of my book please look in the attached goody bag.  In there you will find, among other things, a pair of black rubber gloves. This is a little invention I came up with.  When you slip the gloves on you will notice your hands will start flapping uncontrollably.  This is a way to never stop moving, and you don’t even have to do anything!  The gloves do all the work.  It may be extremely painful and annoying at first, but you’ll get used to it.  

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