Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nostalgia Pie - Music and the Places It Takes You

Music and the Places It Takes You

Smash Mouth’s Astro Lounge will always hold a special place in my heart.  It was one of the first albums I actually went out and purchased with my own money.  If I think about that album I don’t think about how bad the songs were.   I don’t think about bleached hair or Jennifer Love Hewitt.  Instead, I’m reminded of sitting at home somewhere in my middle school years, listening to the album through the disc drive on my family’s PC.  I used to own these terrible headphones that were made out of rubber. They were like earbuds, except the ‘bud’ part was molded to the outline of my earlobes.  They would wrap around the back and then somehow fit smugly into my ears.  The sound had an awful, tinny quality to it.  But I thought I looked really cool as I sat in my desk chair and sung along to ‘walking on the sun’.  

To every person there are those songs where the song doesn’t matter at all.  It’s about how that old music takes you back to a very specific time in your life.  Good times or more often than not, the worst times.  It’s one of the most personal and unique feelings in the world.  You could be having dinner with a group of friends and hear something come on and be filled with an indescribable feeling of nostalgia while the others around you don’t think twice.  

Putting on Boxcar Racer’s self-titled album takes me back to a summer love during my freshman year of high-school.  I think everyone has that one summer with that one person that just makes them feel good when they think about it.   I would sit with it playing on one of those tacky, gaudy boom-boxes that were all the rage back then while me and this girl would talk on the phone.  For hours and hours every night we would talk, and unknown to her I would almost always have that album playing in the background.  Sometimes it would switch to one of the other four discs that were in the CD-changer.  Inevitably, however, I would always bring it back to Boxcar Racer It was a good time in my life, and that’s where that music takes me.  If I hear that album now, even for a second, it really brightens my day.  Not becuase of the music, but because of what I relate it to.  

On the other hand, most of the time we wish that we didn’t relate that once great album to a long-lost love.  Because after things go bad that music is ruined forever.  Nobody ever realizes they relate those songs to that person until its too late.  

If I close my eyes and listen to Alkaline Trio’s Good Morning I can see so clearly me and a girl sometime during my junior or senior  year..  We’re lying in bed and we’re watching  the dawn illuminate my room.  That same gaudy boom-box is now playing ‘fatally yours’ and I can hear my parents moving around downstairs.  At some point this girl had snuck over the night before.  We had spent the night really just hanging out.  We talked and joked and were somehow more thrilled because we were doing something we weren’t supposed to be doing.   And now I would have to sneak her outside only to have her magically appear at my front door a few seconds later, ready to be given a ride to school.  It’s a good memory tainted by life, and what happens later on.  Because of that, to this day I have a difficult time making it through the opening tracks of that album.  Instead, I find myself making excuses to put something else on.  Nobody really knows why but me.  All because of what I instinctively feel when I hear it.

Then there’s the music that makes you truly long for something.  It doesn’t cheer you up or bring you down.  What it does instead is fill  you with regret knowing you took for granted something you couldn’t get back.

For about six months I lived in a run-down duplex with me and three friends.  It was the lowest point in my life but something that I would give anything to go back to.  It was a time where I was liberated and without fear because I’d reached rock bottom.  I had nothing to lose because I knew that if I failed at something it really wouldn’t matter. I could not feel worse than how I already felt.  What got me through it were the friends that lived in that duplex with me.  If I felt terrible I always knew at least someone would be there.  Night after night we would get drunk and insane.  After about a month of this my place resembled something that looked like a large, two bedroom two bath garbage can.  

My roommate and best friend, as his ring-tone he had The Draft’s ‘Lo Zee Rose’.  I’m not sure if it was the entire song, or just the first few seconds, but I would constantly hear that familiar song about five times a night coming from his phone.  This was a guy that saved my life.  He was always there and made me realize that there were actually people that truly cared about me.  To this day, when I hear that song I wish I could go back to that duplex and feel completely terrible.  Not because it was fun, but because it put everything in my life in to perspective.  The people I love are the ones that matter the most.  More than a job, or money, or anything.  

I was talking to a close friend recently and told her how Fleet Foxes’ ‘Helplessness Blues’ was ruined because of a failed relationship.  

“What you need to do is take a trip and listen to that album while you make new memories.  That way you can relate that music to something else”

I understand what she’s saying.  But am I really willing to give up those summer loves, or dumpster duplexes?  If I overwrite those memories with something else I’m afraid I’ll lose something forever that I'll never be able to get back.  I’ll lose the places that music takes me.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hatchet and Axe Outline

Amazing Outline I wrote for a friend taking English Comp 1

English Comp 1

Hatchet and Axe Outline

My essay will center around the art of throwing both hatches AND axes.  Many mistake the two for the same thing, however there are many differences.
In the following essay I will focus on what differentiates the two.  

1.  The first portion of my essay will focus on what it feels like to throw different types of objects.  I will include several different types of balls (baseballs, footballs, etc) and also random items.  is itmore difficult to throw glassware as opposed to hammers or even old compact discs?  It is important to discover how each of the objects will react after being thrown.

2.  after that I will move on to hatchets and axes.   both the weight and the girth will be explored.  Let’s say an axe is hurled at an innocent bystander.  How will the axe and hatchet affect the target?  It is probably very scary and I don’t blame someone for ducking out of the way.  

3.  finally I will discuss the psychological impacts of having both hatchets AND axes being thrown at them.  It can be a very traumatizing experience.  What type of person would cry?  Is it even possible that someone would laugh at being threatened by death?  This paragraph will also encompass the euphoric feeling one feels when throwing both hatchets AND axes at innocent bystanders.  The feeling is something that cannot be matched.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chapter 4: Never Stop Moving

Chapter 4: Never Stop Moving

At this point you should be well on your way to making a billion dollars.  You may even be feeling a little fatigued.  This is a normal feeling and shouldn’t be dismissed.  In business, you don’t want to be satisfied with what you have.  You always want to be a forward thinker, constantly making moves.  Don’t ever stop. After all, what kind of people stop moving? Dead people, that’s what kind.  Do you want to turn out like one of those dead people? No? I didn’t think so.  
Close your eyes and imagine this if you will: (Note: Make sure you don’t close your eyes for too long.  It may lead to falling asleep, and many people lie completely still why they’re sleeping)  You are standing in a room with a billion ants.  You have one of two choices:

1) STOP MOVING - Making this choice will cause your body to be completely still.  At this point the billions of ants will begin to crawl all over your body.  Because there is nothing else to eat the ants will eat your flesh.  First your skin and then your muscles and then whatever is beneath your muscles.  Please consult my book Ouch! I’ve Stubbed My Toe: Your Body and YOU for a more detailed description of the human body.  After about three days you will finally be totally consumed.  Your family will open the door to this room only to find a trillion ants because after all that feeding the ants have obviously multiplied.  They will not mourn your loss.  Instead they will think of you as an illiterate because obviously you couldn’t read the fourth chapter in this book.
2) NEVER STOP MOVING - Making this choice will cause the ants to never become attached to your body.  In this scenario you do somersaults around the room, squashing the tiny insects.  Not only does this kill every single bug and save your life, but you also gain an amazing amount of strength thanks to the hundreds of somersaults you just did.  Your body morphs from a fat, ugly, flabby thing into a toned, sexy, athletic type of build.  After you leave the room hundreds of attractive men or women surround you.  I don’t want to get too explicit in case there are any underage entrepreneurs reading this book. But you get the idea.

I know what you’re asking yourself. “But Jonathan, this really doesn’t seem to make any sense.  At first I thought you were using moving as a metaphor to explain the intricacies of business.  But now it seems that you have taken it a step further and are actually telling me never stop moving my body. I’ll probably drop dead from exhaustion after a very short time.”  
Well that’s exactly what i’m telling you.  But remember, if you never stop moving, then you will never die.  If you’ve purchased the Deluxe version of my book please look in the attached goody bag.  In there you will find, among other things, a pair of black rubber gloves. This is a little invention I came up with.  When you slip the gloves on you will notice your hands will start flapping uncontrollably.  This is a way to never stop moving, and you don’t even have to do anything!  The gloves do all the work.  It may be extremely painful and annoying at first, but you’ll get used to it.