Monday, November 26, 2012

Memory Loss and Viagra

Memory Loss and Viagra

I pop the blue pill in my mouth and stand at my bathroom sink, staring down at my junk.  How long was this supposed to take?  Aimee, or was it Mary?  Well she’d be here in an hour and I have to be ready.  Ready for what?  Things go a little hazy and I see the bottle of pills in my hand.  Right.  But nothing’s happening.  I should have read about this stuff before I took it.  The only thing the guy told me was that I wasn’t supposed to take it in conjunction with any other medication.  When I brought up the Memantine I was prescribed for my memory loss he took it away.  There was shouting and pleading and somehow I got the pills.  

I look down at my dick again.  It hangs between my legs, flaccid and sad, so I down another pill for good measure.

I tried going through my doctor but he refused, telling me taking both at the same time would be dangerous or severe or something.  A friend of mine, he knew this guy that sold the stuff.  I bought twenty or maybe twenty-five.  I could have sworn it was twenty five but the bottle feels a little light.  Probably ripped me off.  Can’t trust anyone these days.
I see my clothes lying in a pile on the bathroom floor and move to pick them up.  A bottle of pills rattles in my hand and I look down.  One’s not doing the trick.  Better down another.  I swallow hard and move to get dressed again.  

I’m fully clothed and hear chimes in my pocket.  It’s from an unknown number and I want to ignore it.  Something tells me I should pick it up and I answer with hesitation.  

She says her name is Aimee, and she’s running a little late.  I see the pills on the counter and remember about the sex.  I tell her to take her time and hang up the phone.  My crotch feels a little funny and I rub it before leaving the bathroom.  

There’s a bottle of red wine on the kitchen table.  I take it and pour myself a glass.  Probably for Mary, I guess.  The wine is bitter.  The aroma fills my head and I relax.  Two more glasses and my head feels large.  I stand up for another and feel my dick, hard, pressing against the front of my pants.  My heart is pounding in my chest and I remember something about Martha and pills.  I try to focus but I can feel my pulse beating in the head of my dick and I run to the bathroom.  

I haven’t been this hard in years.  My pants fall to the ground and I lean over the toilet, furiously yanking my junk.  I see bare-breasts and blue skies.  My fists pounds against the wall as my legs go weak.  Beads of sweat cover my forehead and a dribble of spit falls from my mouth.  

My head is swimming as I stagger, half naked, to the sink and wash my hands.  I glance at a bottle of pills sitting on the counter.  They look funny and I can’t remember when my prescription changed to blue.  I pick one up and squint.  Pfizer, is imprinted on its side.  I shrug my shoulders and down the pill before putting my pants back on.  My dick is still hard as hell.  It’s sticking straight out and it looks like I have a gun in my crotch.  

I taste wine on my breath and feel a little drunk.  My legs are far apart as I waddle into the kitchen.  I should probably call my doctor about this.  The doorbell rings and I drop my phone.  I duck behind the table and look towards the front door.  It’s a beautiful young girl, dressed in a tight black dress and long red heels.  Must be the wrong house.  If I answer the door like this, with my raging hard-on, she’d probably call the cops.

I stay crouched behind my table and now my dick is pressing hard against the zipper of my
pants.  It hurts but I can’t get up for fear of her seeing me.   My phone chimes and I lunge to silence it.  I fall flat on my stomach and the floor smashes into my dick.  I feel it bend and snap and I let out a sharp cry of pain.  A girl is on the other end, she says her name is Aimee before I hang up on her.  

A stain of blood is growing on my pants as I roll over onto my back.  I’m panting and sweating.  The girl at the door sees me now.  She looks concerned as she pulls her phone out of her purse.  My phone chimes again.  I don’t pick it up and now I see her walking away.  I stare up at the ceiling and close my eyes.

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