Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to Make a Billion Dollars: Chapter 1

How to Make a Billion Dollars
By Jonathan Richard Miller

At some point in every person’s life they wake up and ask themselves “how do I make a billion dollars?”  This book will give you all the knowledge you’ll need to do just that.  It will provide amazing step by step instructions on what needs to be done in order to succeed.  
I know what you’re asking yourself.  “How come the writer of this book isn’t a billionaire?”  Well, that’s a very good question.  It’s a valid point and one that I could argue about for pages and pages.  But this isn’t a book on how to debate someone, it’s a book on how to make a billion dollars.  Which brings me to the first step in becoming a billionaire.

Arguing is a part of every person’s life...unless you are a billionaire.  Billionaires don’t argue or debate people on anything.  Ask Steve jobs if he argued with anyone when he invented the Mac.  Or ask Steven Speilberg if he debated with his friends when he made E.T.  Don’t bother asking them actually because i’m telling you here and now that they didn’t.  
There are probably going to be several things in this book that you would like to argue with me about.  Why did this book cost $300.00?  Why shouldn’t I argue? All that’s going to do is prolong your eventual success.  You’ve waited long enough and why wait even longer when you could be a billionaire?  
First let’s go ahead and define what it means to not argue with someone.  Let’s say you want to open up a video rental chain, but your friend (let’s call him Billy) is telling you it’s a dying business being overrun by digital distribution.  Look at Blockbuster Video for example.  A decade ago they were a thriving business but now they are a dying company holding on for dear life.  The next logical thing to happen is for you and Billy to start to argue with each other.  Only two things can come out of this.  Either Billy and you split ties, burn bridges, and throw away thirty-five years of friendship and memories.  Or, even worse, you decide your friend is probably right.  It would be a fools errand to open up a video rental chain in this day and age and you lose hundreds of hours planning and tens of dollars on writing up a business plan.  Congratulations entrepreneur, your business is gone and you are still working minimum wage.  Your dream of becoming a billionaire is but a distant memory all thanks to one little argument.
There are three questions you need to ask yourself after anything happens in your life:

1. Am I a billionaire?
2. Why am I not a billionaire?
3. On what page of How to Make a Billion Dollars can I find my solution.

So for example, after your argument with Billy you would need to reflect on the situation and ask yourself those three questions.  

1. Am I a billionaire?
The answer is no.

2. Why am I not a billionaire?
Because you didn’t follow the first step to making a billion dollars

3. On what page of How to Make a Billion Dollars can I find my solution.
Well you can find it on page 1. But obviously you don’t own my book on how to make a billion dollars, because if you did you would never have argued in the first place.

The first hurdle is usually the hardest.  Here are a few great tips to help you get past that first step on the staircase of success.  First make sure to use a lot of post-it notes.  They are a great way of always reminding you what needs to happen.  Second, always carry around this book.  Those are the only two tips you need to get past this first hurdle.  But don’t worry.  Although the mountain my seem tall and insurmountable, when you’re a billionaire you will never have to climb a mountain again!

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