Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How to Make a Billion Dollars - The Final Chapter

The Final Chapter

Congratulations, you've almost made it! There’s only one last step to becoming a wealthy, independent billionaire. All you need to do is take the final test to prove that you have truly absorbed the knowledge given to you in this book, and applied it to your real life.  Then, and only then, will you be capable of making a billion dollars. I can feel how excited you are, and it’s making me very excited. Too excited, actually. I can hardly write this I’m so excited. Please calm down so that I can finish this chapter. No, seriously, calm down right now. Okay, that’s better.

Now, for the test. It is a single, multiple choice question. If you get it right, you will know you have the heart of a billionaire. Simple, right? Easy, right? I think so. But if you get it wrong, god forbid, you will be a complete and utter failure. So don’t get it wrong, okay? I will provide the correct answer at the end of this chapter. Okay here it goes.

Final Test

A wise man once said, “Hey! Can you come shake this spider outta my boot?! There’s a spider in my boot and last week I got stung by a big ass fuckin’ bee! Can you believe that? A bee flew in there and stung me right on my big toe.  Heh, I guess that’s whatcha get when you don’t check your boots. Hey Hun, you hear me?! There’s this big ass spider in my- Oh wait, nevermind it’s just a gummi worm.  Nevermind babe.’

‘How the hell did a gummi worm get in my fuckin’ boot? Damn, I really gotta get my eyes checked. Fuckin’ Billy must’ve been messin’ ‘round in my candy stash again. Hey Billy! You been messin’ ‘round in my candy stash again?! I told you last week no more messin’ ‘round in there! You ate all my fuckin’ Rolos and I was savin’ em for a special occasion. And now I found one of my gummi worms in my fuckin’ boot. Those things cost three bucks and I don’t want ‘em goin’ to waste. You hear me Billy!’

‘You givin’ me the fuckin stink eye now?! Hey hun, Billy’s givin’ me the fuckin’ stink eye! Yeah, that’s right Billy. I just told her you were givin’ me the stink eye. I’ll wipe that fuckin’ eye right off your face, you ever give me that look again. Alright, I’m off to work. Just gotta slip on these here boots and I’ll be- OUCH! Godamnit! Somethin’ really did bite me this time. Let me check my boots. Oh no. Oh dear lord no. Hey babe, call an am-bu-lance! A fuckin’ stink bug just stung me on my foot. Oh lord the world is spinnin’. Who the hell is allergic to fuckin’ stink bugs anyways? Oh lord I can feel my face swellin’ up now. Billy, don’t just stand there laughin’ and pointin’. Go into the bathroom and grab my pills. Hurry Billy, you fat sumbitch!’

‘I can’t breathe, my throats gone-done swelled up. Lord I can’t hardly breathe! Hey hun, tell ‘em to hurry up. I can’t hardly breathe and fuckin’ Billy ran off with my pills. Damn the world is spinnin’.  My eyes are all swelled up. I can’t see no more! Fuckin’ stink bugs. My minds goin’ all fuzzy. Hey….babe...tell my’

Question: How overweight was Billy?

(please circle only one)

A) Mildly Obese
B) Severely Obese
C) Malnourished
D) Healthy young boy
E) Healthy Mildly Obese young boy
F) Severely healthy
G) Severely Boy
H) Proper weight
I) both A and B
J) Both F and G
K) Both I and J
L) All of the above
M) None of the above
N) Both L and M
O) 65 Pounds

So How Did You Do?

The correct answer is ‘F’ - Severely Healthy.  Did you get it right? If you did, it means you cheated, and cheaters never prosper. Sorry my friend, but you are a failure. Did you get it wrong? You clearly aren't ready for the exciting life that a Billionaire would live. I’m sorry to say, but you are a failure.

Unfortunately, that is all the knowledge I can give you. If you haven’t learned how to make a billion dollars by now, you never will. You’ll just have to cope with the fact that you are a failure. But that’s okay! Because, as fate would see it, I have also written a great book, ‘How to Cope With Being a Failure’. And you can purchase it for the low, low price of only $300.00! What are you waiting for?? Operators are standing by!