Tuesday, June 12, 2012

From "Life Lessons and Fairytales" - Little Greedy Billy


Little Billy was a young, rambunctious boy who did only what he wanted, rarely listening to the warnings of his parents.  He would eat mud and bugs and anything else he could get his hands on.  Whenever attending the swimming pool Billy would run around and dive in the shallow end.  Over and over again his parents would chide him.  But even the strictest of punishments would fail to have any effect on his behavior.

“Billy, if you do not listen to us, one day you will be very sorry,” his parents would say.

But over and over again Billy did as he wished screaming “I do what I want!”

One day Billy opened up the kitchen cupboard and noticed a large bag of cookies staring back at him.  They were in bright, glowing packaging and were the most delicious cookies he had ever laid eyes on.  Having never noticed them before, Billy was intent on devouring the delightful dessert.

“These cookies are mine!”  Yelped Billy as he hungrily grabbed for the package.

His mother, while cooking a beautiful pot roast, looked disapprovingly to her son and warned “Billy, if you eat those cookies you will spoil your dinner.”

“I do what I want!” Billy responded as he tore open the bag and began to munch away.

“Billy please, if you eat those cookies this dinner will be spoiled,” his mother pleaded.

“SHUT UP YOU COW!” Billy screamed as he continued to eat.  The package shined and shimmered underneath the kitchen light as Billy ate one after another.  Soon, the cookies were gone and the package was empty.  Billy was satisfied and threw the empty, glowing package, carelessly on the kitchen floor.  

A few minutes passed and soon he was again hungry.  Billy’s mother sat the pot roast down on the table and Billy began to scarf down what his mother had prepared.  His mother and father shook their heads and left their plates empty with their arms crossed, staring intently back at Billy.  

Bite after bite Billy devoured the entire pot roast, leaving nothing for his family.  

“I’m full and you are both cows!” Billy said happily as he began to get up from the table.

Just then, however, Billy felt a sharp pain in his stomach.  He grasped it with both hands and abruptly sat back down.

“Oooooooo, my stummie hurts!”

A smile spread across his parents face as they continued to watch in silence.

Billy’s stomach was in more pain than he had ever felt before.  It was as if millions of tiny knives were jabbing at him from the inside.  He doubled over and fell onto the floor screaming in pain.  

“You cows, oooooooooo, help me you cows!”  Billy could hardly think straight as his stomach began to inflate.

Calmly, his mother looked down at her son, “Remember what I told you Billy?  If you ate those cookies you would spoil the dinner.  The dinner went bad the second you ate those cookies.  I warned you about this.”

Billy could hardly comprehend what his mother was saying.  Were those cookies magical? Did they really spoil the roast?  These thoughts raced through his head as the pain became unbearable.  Laying flat on his back his stomach ballooned.  The skin began to tear around his belly-button as blood spewed from his mouth.

“HELP ME!!!!!” He screamed.  The pain was blinding as his stomach grew and grew.  It was the size of ten basketballs now and blood was coating the kitchen walls.  Just as it seemed his stomach would burst Billy let out one last sentence.   “I’M SORRY I ATE THE COOKIES!!!!!”

At that moment the pain seceded and his stomach began to deflate.  Billy whimpered and soon lay on the floor looking more like a normal boy.

His parents, still sitting at the table, glanced at each other with a look of concern on their faces.  His father got up and walked out of the room, leaving his mother at the table.  

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Billy panted as he lay on his back.  

A few moments later his father walked back into the kitchen, pulling along a large spotted cow.  

“What are you doing?!” Billy asked, incredulously.  

“Teaching you a lesson,” responded his mother.  

His father led the cow over Billy’s face and made a downward motion with the palm of his hand.

“What?!  Please, I said I was sorry!  PLEASE NOOOO!!! PLE-” But just then the cow sat down atop Billy’s face, crushing his skull.  Billy made a suffocating, gurgling noise and after a single loud crack, fell silent forever.  

The cow moo’d and defecated.
“Who’s the cow now?” His mother asked as his parents high-fived.